Department of Statistics

California State University, Hayward 

Spring 2015

Stat 3502/6304: Statistical Inference I

Course Description Homework Important Dates Software
Syllabus Handouts   Links
Blackboard   Data Online Texts/Courses

Week 10:

  • The solution to Midterm 2 and the last Homework have been posted on Blackboard.
  • I will be available this week for office hours on Th 1-2pm before the midterm.
  • I will have office hours on M and W 1-2pm and M 7-8pm.


Week 9:

  • Homework 7 solution has been posted on Bb.
  • Quiz 2 solution has been posted on Bb.
  • My class notes on Hypothesis Testing and Confidence Intervals has been posted on Bb.
  • Correction: Project 1 due Tuesday June 2.

Week 8:

  • Midterm 2 Review.docx
  • Project 1 due Tuesday June 2.
  • Project 2 TBA due at the Final Exam.
  • Homework 8 has been posted.


  • Quiz 2 this week on Th May 21
  • Midterm 2 next week on Th May 28


Week 7:


  • Homework 7 has been posted.





Week 6:


  • Central Limit Theorem project.  project1.docx 
  • This project requires the use of Minitab.  I have tried to reproduce the simulation using Minitab Express and I have not been able to do so. 
  • If you would like to use MS Excel, here are some instructions about using the Data Analysis Pak Add-in.  project01_Excel.docx


Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

Hayward Power Plant


Week 5:

  • Midterm 1 review on Tuesday April 28, 2015.
  • Midterm 1 on Thursday April 30 2015.
  • For Midterm 1 you will be allowed 3 pages of notes, both sides.


  • Homework 4 has been updated.  Complete up to Bayes Theorem on Homework 4.
  • Homework 5 will be complete the rest of the homework from Chapter 4.



  • Quiz 1 solution posted in Blackboard.
  • Homework 1, 2, 3, and 4 solutions posted in Blackboard.



  • Homework 5 has been posted.

Week 4:

  • Quiz 1 review Tuesday April 21, 2015.
  • Quiz 1 this week on Thursday April 23, 2015.


  • Homework 4 has been posted.
  • The solutions to hw 1 and hw 2 have been posted on Blackboard under Course Materials.
  • The solution to hw 3 will be posted after class on Th this week.



Week 3:

Class Survey - The links are now working.  Sorry for the delay.




  • Homework 3 has been posted.
  • There will be a quiz next week on Thursday.



Week 2:

To install Minitab 17.  When prompted for a license server, you should enter localhost.  After the install is complete.  On the cd is the license file, copy it to you computer, C:\Program Files\ Minitab  When you start Minitab for the first time, it will ask for the license, browse to the license file and click Ok.  Minitab should start.


Week 1:

Week 0:

  • The text book for the course is An Introduction to Statistical Methods and Data Analysis 6th ed, by R. Lyman Ott.