Department of Statistics

California State University, Hayward 

Winter 2000

Stat 3901/4910: Statistical Software Design/"Advanced" Statistical Software Design


In Statistics 3910 you will be introduced to the SAS programming language using the SAS Windows Environment and to Splus for Windows.  This course is taught as a continuation of Statistics 3900, in which you will gain more SAS programming skills and an introduction to Splus graphics and programming.  

In Statistics 4910 you will gain further skills in SAS related to Data Step, such as data coding, data selection, and input and output of data to text files.  We will also cover more macro programming than is covered in Statistics 4950.  During the second half of the course we will begin an introduction to Splus graphics and programming.  In this part of the course you will be asked to write some Splus programs and work with the graphics.  Some of the programming ideas that will be covered will be covered are:  object oriented programming, loops, and function writing.

Some of the statistical topics that may be covered are: Descriptive Statistics, Confidence Intervals, Hypothesis Testing, ANOVA, Regression, Logistic Regression, Categorical Data Analysis, Time Series, Bootstraping Methods, and Bayesian Methods. 

Please note that both of these courses meet at the same time.  You may enroll in one course or the other, but not both due to the overlap in the lectures.  The use of the lecture and computer time in the Statistics Computer Lab will (approximately) proceed daily as follows:  First, a short lecture will be given on the statistical topic for the day. Second, relevant information for the 3910 students will be given and will then be excused to the Computer Lab.  Thirdly, information relevant to the 4910 students and then we will all meet in the Computer Lab.   You will be able to work on the assignments and I will be available for questions and demonstration.  

In both classes it will be assumed that you have some experience with Windows, experience with Word and Excel would be beneficial to the incoming student.

Beyond the in class homework assignments a Project will be given.  The Project will be based on one or more data sets upon which the methods learned in class will be applied.

One assignment that is given during the quarter is to find at least one web site giving information about SAS (if you are in 3910) or about Splus (if you are in 4910).  These web sites will be listed on this web page as a resource to the class.

Another assignment that is given during the class is, if you are the second person to ask a question you will be informed that you have an assignment to contribute to the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) list.  This assignment will be completed by typing in Word the question that was asked and the answer.

Required books 3910: Cody and Smith: Applied Statistics and the SAS Programming Language, 4th ed and Krause and Olsen: The Basics of S and Splus

Required books 4910: Venables and Ripley: Modern Applied Statistics with S-plus, Krause and Olsen: The Basics of S and Splus, SAS Language Manual (optional), and the SAS Macro Language Manual (optional).

CSUH Statistics Computer Lab:

The Computer Lab is located on the first floor of South Science in Room 152.

Click here to see when the lab is reserved.


Simulation S-plus Scripts:

Class Assignments:

How to import SAS output into WORD, by Marlyn (MAHR-lin) Peacock.  (Excellent!) (Currently I can't seem to get the images to work.  I will try again over the weekend.)

A very good web page that gives a discussion about the assumptions used in logistic regression.

SAS links:

SPSS/SAS links:

  • SCSL The Social Science Statistics Lab of the University of Western Ontario.  They offer a large number of examples of using ANOVA mothods in SPSS and SAS.

SAS Manuals on campus:


Statistics books on-line:


General Statistics Links:

Jobs Links: