Department of Statistics

California State University, Hayward



STATISTICS 3910, Statistical Software Design

STATISTICS 4910, Advanced Statistical Software Design


Lecture: TTh 4:10-6:00, ScN206

Instructor: Prof. Eric A. Suess    Office: ScN 319    Phone: 885-3879    e-mail:

Office Hours: 6:10-6:30 TTh or by appointment

Required Texts:

·         Your STATISTICS 1000 text.

·         (3910, 4910 required) Cody and Smith: Applied Statistics and the SAS Programming Language, 4th ed., Prentice Hall, 1997.

·         (3910, 4910 required) Krause and Olson: The Basics of S and S-PLUS, Springer, 1997.

·         (4910 required) Venables and Ripley: Modern Applied Statistics with S-Plus, Springer, 1994.

·         (4910 optional) SAS Macro Language, Reference, 1st Edition.

·         (4910 optional) SAS/IML Software, Usage and Reference, Version 6, 1st Edition.

Recommended Texts:

·         Delwiche and Slaughter: The Little SAS Book, SAS Institute Inc., 1998.

Material To Be Covered:

·         STATISTICS 3910: This course will introduce SAS and S-Plus programming.    

·         STATISTICS 4910: This course will introduce SAS and S-Plus programming.

Prerequisites: (3910, 4910) Completion of an introductory Statistics course such as Statistics 1000, knowledge of the Windows operating system, and experience with MS Office software (Word and Excel).  Some experience with a computer programming language such as PASCAL, FORTRAN, or C.  (4910) Completion of a course in which Probability is emphasized such as Statistics 3401 or 3502.

Homework: Weekly assignments will be given each Tuesday at the beginning of class and will be due the following Tuesday.  Each assignment will be produced in MS Word.

Projects: There will be two programming projects.

Exams: One midterm will be given in the middle of the quarter, and the final will be given at the end. 

Grading: Homework 20%, Project I 20%, Midterm 20%, Project II 20%, Final 20%

Policy on Make-up Exams: You are expected to take exams at the scheduled times.  In case of genuine emergency, illness or hardship, for which you can present written documentation I may agree to arrange for a make-up exam.  Make-up exams must always be arranged BEFORE the regular exam is given and always take place AFTER the regular exam. 



webmaster: Eric A. Suess    Last Edited: Sunday, March 05, 2000