CSU Hayward

Statistics Department

Menu of Items From STATS Article

The following items are referenced or contained in "Elementary Uses of the Gibbs Sampler: Applications to Medical Screening Tests" by Eric A. Suess, Christopher M. Fraser, and Bruce E. Trumbo,  STATS, No. 27, Winter 2000, pages 3-10.  These 20 items are copyright © 2000, American Statistical Association.  All rights reserved.

Appendixes Notes S-plus Script Figures Tables

A. Convergence of a 2-State Markov Chain

B. A Very Brief Introduction to Bayesian Inference

C. Derivations of Conditional Distributions (Sec. 8)

D. Main Parts of     S-Plus Simulation Programs

(Denoted by raised numerals in the text of the article.)

1. Sensitivity and Specificity (Sec. 1)

2. Gold standard tests (Sec. 3)

3. Simulating a Bernoulli random variable (Sec. 4)

(To produce indicated results in each Section listed.)

Section 4. Table 1, Figure 1
(Also Q-BASIC)

Section 7. Figure 2

Section 8. Tables 4 and 5; Figures 3, 4, and 5.

1. Running proportion (Sec. 4)

2. Beta prior densisty (Sec. 7)

3. Histogram of sampled prevalences (Sec. 9)

4. Sampled prevalences in sequence (Sec. 9)

5. Running averages (Sec. 9)

1. Estimates of Prevalence (Sec. 4)

2. Joint Sample Dist'n (Sec. 6)

3. Prior Dist'ns (Sec. 7)

4. Gibbs Estimates, 1000 units of blood (Sec. 9)

5. Gibbs Estimates, 215 units of blood (Sec. 9)