
Homework02: (complete by Monday February 10, 2025)

Using the provided R Project, rename the file lastname_firstname_Stat674_Homework01.qmd using your own last name and first name in the filename.

Upload two files to Canvas. Your embed-resources: true .html and your .qmd files. DO NOT submit a .zip file!

Upload two files to Canvas. Your embed-resources: true .html and your .qmd files. DO NOT submit a .zip file

Do the following:

Homework01: (due Monday February 3, 2025)

Using the provided R Project, rename the file lastname_firstname_Stat674_Homework01.qmd using your own last name and first name in the filename.

Upload two files to Canvas. Your embed-resources: true .html and your .qmd files. DO NOT submit a .zip file!

Upload two files to Canvas. Your embed-resources: true .html and your .qmd files. DO NOT submit a .zip file

Do the following: