Final: (due in Canvas by Friday March 14, 2025 or end of finals week.)
- Download and unzip the Final Quarto Project. Complete the exam in the Quarto Notebook. Render the Quarto Notebook to a .html or .docx file. Submit the .qmd file and either the .pdf or .docx file on Canvas.
Homework06: (due in Canvas by Monday March 10, 2025 or end of finals week.)
Using the provided R Project, rename the file lastname_firstname_Stat474_Homework06.qmd using your own last name and first name in the filename.
Upload two files to Canvas. Your .pdf or .doc and your .qmd files. Do not upload a .zip file!
- Read: Read: Chapter 9
Do the following:
- From Section 9.11 Exercises 1, 2, 6, 8, 10
- For Exercise 8a use the log transformation or use box-cox.
- For Exercise 10b use the log transformation or use box-cox.
- Project: (due in Canvas by Friday March 7, 2025 or end of finals week.)
Install the COVID19 Data Hub R package. Work with the available data for the United States. Develop an ARIMA model using non-seasonal and seasonal parameters for forecasting the variable confirmed cases.
In your Quarto Notebook show the the fitted values of your forecast on a time plot as the data and show your forecasts with errors.
Homework05: (complete by Monday February 27, 2023)
Using the provided R Project, rename the file lastname_firstname_Stat474_Homework05.qmd using your own last name and first name in the filename.
Upload two files to Canvas. Your .pdf or .doc and your .qmd files. Do not upload a .zip file!
- Read: Read: Chapter 7 and Chapter 8
Do the following:
- From Section 7.10 Exercises 1, 2
- From Section 8.8 Exercises 5, 7
Midterm: (due in Canvas by Friday February 28, 2023)
Download and unzip the Midterm Quarto Project. Complete the exam in the Quarto Notebook. Render the Quarto Notebook to a .html or .docx file. Submit the .qmd file and either the .pdf or .docx file on Canvas.
Homework04: (complete by Monday February 24, 2025)
Using the provided R Project, rename the file lastname_firstname_Stat474_Homework04.qmd using your own last name and first name in the filename.
Upload two files to Canvas. Your .pdf or .doc and your .qmd files. Do not upload a .zip file!
- Read: Chapter 5 and Chapter 6
Do the following:
- From Section 5.11 Exercises 3, 7
Quiz01: (due in Canvas by Friday February 21, 2025)
- Download and unzip the Quiz01 Quarto Project. Complete the quiz in the Quarto Notebook. Render the Quarto Notebook to a .html file. Submit the .qmd file and .html file in Canvas.
Homework03: (complete by Monday February 17, 2025)
Using the provided R Project, rename the file lastname_firstname_Stat474_Homework03.qmd using your own last name and first name in the filename.
Upload two files to Canvas. Your embed-resources: true .html and your .qmd files. DO NOT submit a .zip file!
Upload two files to Canvas. Your embed-resources: true .html and your .qmd files. DO NOT submit a .zip file
- Read: Chapter 4 and Chapter 5
Do the following:
- From Section 4.6 Exercises 1, 3
- From Section 5.11 Exercises 1, 2
Homework02: (complete by Monday February 10, 2025)
Using the provided R Project, rename the file lastname_firstname_Stat674_Homework01.qmd using your own last name and first name in the filename.
Upload two files to Canvas. Your embed-resources: true .html and your .qmd files. DO NOT submit a .zip file!
Upload two files to Canvas. Your embed-resources: true .html and your .qmd files. DO NOT submit a .zip file
- Read: Chapter 3
Do the following:
- From Section 3.7 Exercises 7, 8, 9, 10
Homework01: (due Monday February 3, 2025)
Using the provided R Project, rename the file lastname_firstname_Stat674_Homework01.qmd using your own last name and first name in the filename.
Upload two files to Canvas. Your embed-resources: true .html and your .qmd files. DO NOT submit a .zip file!
Upload two files to Canvas. Your embed-resources: true .html and your .qmd files. DO NOT submit a .zip file
- Read: Preface, Chapter 1, Chapter 2, and Appendix: Using R
- Download an install the current version of R and RStudio.
Do the following:
- From Section 2.10 Exercises 1, 4, 7, 8