
Homework02a: (complete by Monday February 10, 2025)

Using the provided Quarto Project, rename the file lastname_firstname_Stat652_Homework02.qmd using your own last name and first name in the filename.

You should plan to come to class on Monday next week to ask questions and you will have until Friday to turn in this homework through Canvas.

Upload two files to Canvas. Your self-contained: true .html and your .qmd files. DO NOT submit a .zip file

Hints: The HELPrct data from the mosaicData R package. Note that this problem does not ask you to use a training and testing dataset. It is asking you to proceed without the testing dataset and you should use the full dataset to fit the model.

Hints: For Problems 6a, explore the dataset before attempting to fit the models. You will need to deal with the missing values before applying some or all of the models. Which models do not work with missing data?

Homework01: (complete by Monday February 3, 2025)

Using the provided Quarto Project, rename the file lastname_firstname_Stat652_Homework01.qmd using your own last name and first name in the filename.

You should plan to come to class on Monday next week to ask questions and you will have until Friday to turn in this homework through Canvas.

Upload two files to Canvas. Your embed-resources: true .html and your .qmd files. DO NOT submit a .zip file