CSU Hayward

Statistics Department

Session 2: Two-State Markov Chains

1. Introduction

Note: This session covers material similar to that in the very brief Appendix A for Suess, Fraser, and Trumbo: "Elementary uses of the Gibbs Sampler: Applications to Medical Screening Tests," in STATS #27, Winter 2000. The main differences are that this session includes more examples, more detailed explanations, a few additional topics, and extensive exercises suitable for instructional use.

Stochastic processes are used to model an extremely wide variety of real-life situations. A discrete-time stochastic process is an infinite sequence of random variables, X(1), X(2), X(3), ..., usually with some features and structures in common and viewed as being arranged in time order.

1.1. Two-state processes

In this session an important feature shared by the random variables X(m) of a process is that each of them can take only two values 0 and 1. At each step m in time we say that the process is in one of two states: state 0 or state 1. Thus each individual (or marginal) random variable has the probability structure of tossing a (possibly biased) coin — a Bernoulli distribution.

We will consider two kinds of joint probability structure. In this section we assume complete mutual independence. In Section 2 we explore the limited kind of dependence typical of a Markov Chain.

1.2. Independence — A strong assumption

If we toss a fair coin repeatedly, then we can say that

P{Tail on mth toss} = P{X(m) = 0} = 1/2   and   P{Head on mth toss} = P{X(m)= 1} = 1/2.

If the tosses are collectively independent, then the probability that the sequence begins HHT is

P{X(1)=1, X(2)=1, X(3)=0} = P{X(1)=1}P{X(2)=1}P{X(3)=0} = (1/2)3 = 1/8.


P{X(3)=0|X(1)=1, X(2)=1} = P{X(3)=0|X(2)=0} = P{X(3)=0} = 1/2.

More generally,

P{X(3)=k|X(1)=iX(2)=j} = P{X(3)=k|X(2)=j} = P{X(3)=k} = 1/2,

for i, j, k = 0, 1.

The result on the third toss does not depend in any way on the results of the tosses that came before. Once the marginal probabilities P{X(m) = 1} of an independent sequence are known, knowledge of the past is no guide at all in predicting the future.


1.1. In the coin-tossing experiment of this section, find P{X(1) = 0, X(2) = 0}, P{X(1) = 0, X(3) = 0}, P{X(2) = 0, X(3) = 0} and P{X(m) = 0, m = 1, ..., 4}.

1.2. Suppose that a fair die is rolled at each step m and that X(m) = 0 if the roll results in a 6 and X(m) = 1 otherwise.

(a) Rewrite all four of the equations in this section to fit this situation.

(b) Do problem 1.1 for this situation.

1.3. At step 1 a fair coin is tossed and X(1) takes the value 0 or 1 as stated in this section. Similarly for step 2 and X(2). From there on, no additional coin tossing is done: X(m) takes the same value as X(1) for all odd values of m and the same value as X(2) for all even values of m.

(a) Is each random variable independent of the one following it in the time sequence? Are the random variables collectively ndependent?

(b) Rewrite the four displayed equations of this section to fit this situation. (You may need to write more than f our equations.)

(c) Do problem 1.1 for this situation.

1.4. At step 1 a fair coin is tossed and X(1) takes the value 0 or 1 as stated in this section. From there on, a fair die is rolled at each step m = 2, 3, 4, ... . If it shows 6, then the value of X(m+1) is different than the value of X(m), otherwise it is the same. For example, starting at step m = 1, the sequence H6526341 leads to the X-values 10001111.

(a) Rewrite the last two displayed equations of this section for this situation. (You may need to write more than two equations.) [Hint: Use the definition of conditional probability to show that

P{X(3)=0|X(1)=1, X(2)=1} = P{X(1)=1, X(2)=1, X(3)=0}/P{X(1)=1, X(2)=1},

P{X(1)=1, X(2)=1} = P{X(1)=1}P{X(2)=1|X(1)=1},

and so on.]

(b) Do problem 1.1 for this situation. Use the fact that

P{X(1)=0, X(3)=0} = P{X(1)=0, X(2)=0, X(3)=0} + P{X(1)=0, X(2)=1, X(3)=0}.

(c) Are there any two of the random variables in this sequence that are independent? Explain.

1.5. Suppose you do 100 independent tosses of a coin, not knowing whether it is fair. If you observe 17 Heads in the 100 tosses, does that help you to "predict" X(101)? Reconcile your answer with the last sentence of this section.

1.6. Kim tosses a fair coin, the result is X = 0 for Tails or X = 1 for Heads. Similarly, Pat tosses a fair coin independently of Kim, the result is Y = 0 for Tails or Y = 1 for Heads. The random variable W is 0 if X and Y both have the same value, and 1 otherwise. Show that any two of the random variables WX, and Y are independent, but that all three of these random variables are not collectively independent.

2. Markov Chains

In some practical situations, independence among all steps of a stochastic process is not a reasonable assumption. For example, experience with rainfall data from the West Coast of the US has shown that knowing whether it rains on one day is helpful in predicting whether it will rain the next. How might we model the change from clear weather (state 0) one day to rainy weather (state 1) the next?

2.1. Moving from independence to one-step dependence

The simplest departure from independence is to allow dependence, but to constrain its extent to dependence on the most recent available information. We express this idea and define parameters a and b (with 0 £ ab £ 1) by the equations

P{X(m+1)=1|X(m–1)=0, X(m)=0}

= P{X(m+1)=1|X(m–1)=1, X(m)=0}

= P{X(m+1)=1|X(m)=0} = a,


P{X(m+1)=0|X(m–1)=0, X(m)=1}

= P{X(m+1)=0|X(m–1)=1, X(m)=1}

= P{X(m+1)=0|X(m)=1} = b,

for any m = 1, 2, 3, ... . That is, the conditional probability of the outcome at step m + 1 does not depend on the outcome at step m – 1 if we know the outcome at step m.

The two probabilities given above are called transition probabilities. They give the conditional probability of making a transition from state i to state j in one step, for ij = 0, 1, at any point m in time. From a formal point of view, two ideas are involved here, the Markov property and time homogeneity.

2.2. The Markov Property

A formal statement of the Markov Property is as follows: Let m1m2, m3, ..., mL, mL+1 be distinct steps in time arranged from earliest to latest. Then

P{X(mL+1)=k|X(mh)=ihh = 1, ... L–1; X(mL)=j} = P{X(mL+1)=k|X(mL)=j},

for ih, j, k = 0, 1. Here mL is the last step for which we know the outcome, which was state j: that is, X(mL) = j. States at previous steps do not matter. Any information dating from before the last step for which the state of the process is known is irrelevant in predicting its state at a later step.

Note: The steps ml are in time order, but they need not be consecutive. (For example, we might be concerned only with certain odd-numbered steps m1 = 1, m2 = 5, ..., mL–1 = 13, mL = 19, mL+1 = 25.) However, in most of the applications we have in mind, we look at consecutive steps 1, 2, 3, ... .

This restriction on the relevance of historical information may or may not be realistic. Here are some examples:

2.3. Time homogeneity

The transition probabilities given in Section 2.1 do not depend on the step m. We say that the process they describe is time homogeneous. Intuitively, this means that the transitional behavior stays the same throughout time.

This assumption may or may not be realistic in a practical application. In modeling West Coast rain, for example, the transition probabilities might remain the same throughout the winter rainy season, but begin to change as we move into spring.

When we speak of a two-state Markov Chain in these sessions, we will mean a discrete-time stochastic process that satisfies the Markov Property and is time-homogeneous. For a two-state chain the two parameters a and b completely determine the transitional structure. In Section 3 we will see that these two parameters also determine the behavior of the chain far into the future (limiting behavior).

2.4. Trivial and absorbing two-state Markov Chains

In order to avoid some particular situations, we will usually insist that a and b must be strictly between 0 and 1: 0 < ab < 1. In this section we mention briefly some deterministic and severely constrained transitional behaviors that occur when this condition does not hold.

The case in which a = 1, 0 < b < 1 is explored in Problem 2.4.


2.1. Recall the process of Problem 1.4: At step 1 a fair coin is tossed and X(1) takes the value 0 or 1 depending on whether the result in Tails or Heads, respectively. From there on, a fair die is rolled at each step m. If it shows 6, then the value of X(m+1) is different than the value of X(m), otherwise it is the same. This process satisfies the equations of Section 2.1. What are the numerical values of a and b?

2.2. Suppose that for a (homogeneous) Markov Chain P{X(2) = 1|X(1) = 0} = 0.

(a) Evaluate P{X(3) = 1|X(2) = 0}.

(b) Evaluate P{X(3) = 0|X(1) = 0}.

2.3. Suppose that a Markov Chain for clear weather (0) and rain (1) has a = 0.1 and b = 0.5. If it rained yesterday, what is the probability of rain today? What is the probability of rain tomorrow? [Hint: Either it rains today or it doesn't.]

2.4. Suppose that a Markov Chain has a = 1 and b = 1/6.

(a) Is it possible to be in state 0 for two successive steps? Is it possible to be in state 1 for two successive steps?

(b) What is the average number of steps between "visits" to state 0?

2.5. Suppose that a Markov Chain has a = b = 1/2.

(a) Does this process differ at all from a process in which a fair coin is tossed repeatedly and independently with Tails represented by state 0 and Heads by state 1? Explain.

(b) If a = b = 1/3 does the process differ from independent tosses of a biased coin? What if a = 1/3 and b = 2/3?

2.6. Four points around a circle are labeled 0, 1, 2, 3 in clockwise order with 3 adjacent to 0 as well as 2. As the process begins there is a marker at 0. At each step of a process a fair coin is tossed. If the result is Heads the marker is moved clockwise one position (for example, from 0 to 1) and if the result is Tails the marker is moved counter-clockwise one position (for example, from 0 to 3). Coin tosses are independent. We say that the X-process is in state 0 if the marker is at 0, otherwise the process is in state 1. Show that the Markov Property is violated for this process by showing that

P{X(m+3)=0|X(m)=0, X(m+1)=1, X(m+2)=1}

differs from

P{X(m+3)=0|X(m)=1, X(m+1)=0, X(m+2)=1}.

Thus the X-process is not a Markov Chain.

3. Transition Matrices

In this section we show how matrix notation can be used to represent the one-step and multiple-step transition behavior of a Markov Chain. This notation is useful in deriving the long-term or limiting behavior of a Markov Chain.

3.1. One-step transition matrix

We adopt the notation pij to denote the conditional probability of a one-step transition to state i from state j. That is,

pij = P{X(m+1) = j|X(m) = i},

for i, j = 0, 1, and for any m = 1, 2, 3, ... . For example,

p01 = P{X(m+1) = 1|X(m) = 0} = a.

It is natural to arrange these probabilities pij in a matrix

P  = .

Notice that the rows of this matrix sum to 1.

3.2. Multi-step transition probabilities and matrices

The two-step transition probabilities are found by taking into account whether the chain is in state 0 or state 1 at the intermediate step. For example,

p01(2) = P{X(3)=1|X(1)=0} = p00p01 + p01p10 = a(2 – ab).

More generally,

pik(2)= pi0p0k + pi1p1k = Sj pijpjk,

where the sum is taken over j = 0, 1. This means that the two-step transition matrix P2, consisting of elements pik(2) can be found as the square of the one-step transition matrix P, using ordinary matrix multiplication. Specifically, it is not difficult to show that

P2  = ,

where, as usual, the coefficients of a matrix multiply each of its elements and the sum of two matrices is found by adding corresponding elements. This may seem to be an unnecessarily complicated way to represent the matrix P2, but it will prove useful in Section 4. (See Problem 3.2 for the derivation of this matrix equation.)

Similarly, the n-step transition matrix Pn is found by taking the nth power of P. It can be shown by mathematical induction (see Section 4.3) that

Pn  = .


3.1. Recall the Markov Chain for clear weather (0) and rain (1) with a = 0.1 and b = 0.5.

(a) Give the transition matrix P for this chain. Use numerical entries.

(b) Use matrix multiplication to find P2. Which element of P2 corresponds to the probability of rain tomorrow given that it rained yesterday? Compare with the answer you found in Problem 2.3.

(c) Plug the numerical values of a and b into the formula for P2 given in this section, and simplify. Verify that the result agrees with your matrix in part (b).

3.2. In terms of symbols a and b, verify the formula for P2 given in this section. This requires matrix multiplication and some elementary algebraic manipulation. To start, show that

p00(2) = (1–a)2 + ab = [b + a(1–ab)2]/(a+b),

and then continue with the other three elements.

3.3. To monitor the flow of traffic, the highway department has a TV camera aimed at the single lane of traffic of a freeway onramp. Each vehicle that passes in sequence can be classified as either a car (0) or a truck (1). Suppose the probability that a car follows a car is 0.8 and the probability that a truck follows a truck is 0.1.

(a) What assumptions are necessary for the car-truck process to be a Markov chain? Write its transition matrix.

(b) If I see a truck in the monitor now, what is the probability that the second vehicle after it will be a truck? The fourth vehicle after it? The eighth? Successively square the transition matrix to get the required higher powers of it.

(c) If I see a car in the monitor now, what is the probability that the second vehicle after it will be a truck? The fourth vehicle after it? The eighth? Use matrices from (b).

(d) Based on what you see in (b) and (c), what do you suppose is the proportion of trucks on this freeway ramp over the long run?

3.4. Mary and John carry out an iterative process involving two urns and two dice. Mary has two urns: Urn 0 contains 2 black balls and 5 red balls; Urn 1 contains 6 black balls and 1 red ball. To begin the process she chooses one of the urns at random, obtaining the value of X(1). She chooses one ball at random from that urn, replaces it, and reports its color to John.

John has two fair dice, one red and one black. The red die has three faces numbered 0 and three faces numbered 1; the black die has one face numbered 0 and five faces numbered 1. John rolls the die that corresponds to the color Mary just reported to him. In turn, he reports the result, X(2) = 0 or 1, to Mary. At step 2 Mary chooses Urn X(2), draws from it and reports the result to John.

The process continues, giving X(3), X(4), and so on. Notice that each step requires two random events, a draw from one of the urns and a roll of one of the dice. Also notice that at any one point only the result of the last draw from an urn is relevant to John, or only the result of the last roll of a die is relevant for Mary.

The X-process is a Markov Chain. Find its transition matrix.

4. Limiting Behavior of a Markov Chain

In this section we see that certain Markov Chains "settle down" to a limit in the long run. The expression for the multi-step transition matrix given in Section 3 is the key to this discussion.

4.1. The limit of the multi-step transition matrix

Recall the expression for the matrix Pn in Section 3:

Pn  = ,

and define D = 1 – ab. In addition, we require that the one-step transition matrix P must have all positive elements. That is, 0 < ab < 1 or |D| < 1. This is the condition we discussed in Section 3.4.

The first term in the expression for Pn does not depend on n. The second term depends on n only by way of the exponent in the constant (scalar) multiplier. Under the condition that |D| < 1, the second term vanishes as n increases. So the first term is the imit as n approaches infinity:

lim Pn  = ,

where the row vector l = [l0, l1] = [b/(a + b), a/(a + b)]. For example, p01(n) approaches l1 = a/(a + b).

There are two important things to notice about this limiting process.

In the long run, a Markov Chain with |D| < 1 settles down to a limiting distribution that does not depend on its starting point. Roughly speaking, one might say that the "one-stage" Markov dependence eventually wears off and the process "forgets" where it started. In symbols,

P{X(¥ ) = 0} = b/(a + b) and P{X(¥ ) = 1} = a/(a + b).

Notice that these are unconditional probabilities, because the initial state does not matter in the limit. The vector l is called the limiting distribution of the chain.

4.2. A alternate computation of the limiting distribution

An alternative way to find the limiting distribution is to solve the matrix equation lP = l. This matrix equation is equivalent to two linear equations

l0 = l0(1–a) + l1b   and   l1 = l0a + l1(1–b),

which are colinear because they each reduce to l0a = l1b. But because l0 + l1 = 1 we have the solution l0 = b/(a+b) and l1 = a/(a+b), which agrees with the result already obtained from the limiting argument at the end of Section 4.2.

Intuitively, the idea behind the "steady state" matrix equation of the previous paragraph is that the probability distribution attains a stationary condition in the limit. Thus at steady state the probability l0 of being in state 0 ought to be the sum of the probability l0(1–a) of "arriving from" state 0 on the previous step and the probability (1–l0)b of arriving from state 1 on the previous step.

4.3. Proof by induction

The proof of the expression for Pn stated at the end of Section 3.2 is outlined very briefly here, with most of the work relegated to Problem 4.4. This is a proof by mathematical induction and so it has two parts:

Pn+1  = .


4.1. Once again, recall the Markov Chain for clear weather (0) and rain (1) with a = 0.1 and b = 0.5.

(a) Find the limit of Pn and use it to find the limiting distribution l. Also find the limiting distribution by solving the matrix equation lP = l. Over the long run what proportion of the days will be rainy.

(b) Suppose it is raining today. Compare the exact probability of rain 16 days from now with the limiting approximation.

(c) Compare this process with the process consisting of independent trials and having the same proportion of rainy days. In particular, what is the average length of runs of rainy days for each process.

(d) Suppose that rainy days at another place are governed by a Markov Chain with a = 0.15 and b = 0.75. How does this chain differ from the one specified in (a)? In particular, which of the answers (a)-(c) change substantially?

(e) Repeat (d) with a = 0.01 and b = 0.05.

4.2. Find the limiting distribution of a two-state Markov Chain having a = 0.0123 and b = 0.6016. This particular chain will be used in a later session in connection with an elementary illustration of the Gibbs Sampler.

(a) What is its limiting distribution.

(b) If you observed this chain for 10,000 steps, about how many visits to state 1 would you expect to observe?

(c) If you observed this chain for 10,000 steps, about how many (one-step) transitions from state 1 to state 0 would you expect to observe? About how many transitions from state 0 to state 1? [Be careful, the first answer is nowhere near 6016.]

4.3. What is the limiting (and stationary) distribution of the chain in Problem 3.3 (cars and trucks)? In Problem 3.4 (urns and dice)?

4.4. Finish the induction proof of the expression for Pn.

(a) Verify the initial step.

(b) Verify the induction step. This is somewhat similar to Problem 3.2.

Further Reading

Only two-state Markov Chains have been covered in this session because they suffice as background for later sessions in this series. Markov Chains with larger finite and infinite state spaces are covered in very many undergraduate and graduate textbooks on introductory probability theory and stochastic processes. Additional interesting issues arise for chains with more than two states, such as the grouping of states into persistent (recurrent) and transient (non-recurrent) intercommunicating classes and the possibility of nondeterministic periodicities. Quiz Question 15 on this site has some examples.

Here are some specific references to books with elegant treatments of Markov Chains:

The article on Gibbs Sampling in STATS magazine mentioned in the note at the beginning of this article and the companion Appendix A (published on the web, but not printed with the article) are copyright © 2000 by the American Statistical Association.

This document, Session 2, is copyright © 1999, 2000 by Bruce E. Trumbo. All rights reserved. Please contact the author btrumbo@csuhayward.edu to obtain permission for instructional and other uses. This is a draft; comments and corrections are welcome.