Department of Statistics
California State University,
Winter 2002
Stat 3901/4910: Statistical Software Design/"Advanced" Statistical
Software Design, aka, Statistical Software Packages
Week 10:
Week 9:
Week 8:
Week 7:
- The in-class part of the midterm will be returned tonight.
- The report on the Myths
of Murder and Multiple Regression can be turned in tonight.
- The survey data analysis part of the midterm will be continued this week.
- Homework 5 is due tonight.
- Homework 6 has been posted.
- There are bunch of Handouts that will
be given out tonight.
Week 6:
- The in-class part of the midterm will be given tonight during the first 1
hour and 30 mins.
- If you haven't yet turned in you National Institute of Health Completion
Certificate you should do so tonight.
- The second part of the survey data analysis will be conducted in the
computer lab after the in-class part of the exam. See this MS Word
document women.doc for instructions for
the data analysis. Here is a link to the survey
- The data is contained in two MS Excel spreadsheets: x.ls z.xls
- For 4910, Homework 5 has been posted.
- You should continue to work on the Data Analysis part of the midterm.
We will spend some more time on it next week.
Week 5:
RE: Thursday's test
The inclass written part of the the test has been postponed until next week. I need to return the homework assignments and make sure everyone understands what is expected in this class.
The data analysis part of the Midterm will still be done on Thursday.
- What happened last week? I didn't receive everyone's homework
3. If you didn't turn in your homework 3 please be sure to drop it off
at the Statistics Department before Wednesday so I can grade it before
Thursday. Otherwise, you will not receive credit for that assignment.
- Also related to the homework: all solutions to the homework should be
produced in MS Word and turned in on a disk. If you have been printing
out paper solution I will not count this against you up until now, however
from Homework 4 on I WILL NOT accept homework solutions on paper.
- For those of you in Stat4910 you check out the BASAS
Week 4:
- Homework 3 is due today.
- Homework 4 has been posted.
- Again here is a link to the Time Series book by Yaffee with McGee website
YM and a link
to YMCh2.
- As part of the Midterm Exam you will need to complete the Human
Participant Protections Education for Research Teams from the National
Institute of Health. Next week during class we will be entering some
data and performing statistical analysis on some data that you will need to
have a Completion Certificate to work with.
Week 3:
- Homework 1 is due today.
- Homework 2 is also due today (???).
- The issues with SAS have been almost finalized and will be discussed during class.
- Again here is a link to the Time Series book by Yaffee with McGee website
YM and a link
to YMCh2.
Week 2:
- Homework 1 can be turned in today if it is completed or turned in next
week for full credit.
- The issues with SAS will be discussed during class.
- Here is a link to the Time Series book by Yaffee with McGee website
YM and a link
to YMCh2.
Week 1:
- Required books for Statistics 3910: Using SPSS for Windows: Analyzing and
Understanding Data, 2nd Edition, by Green, Salkind, and Akey (GSA) and
Introduction to Time Series Analysis and Forecasting, With Applications of
SAS and SPSS, by Yafee, with McGee (YM).
- Required books for Statistics 4910: Applied Statistics and the SAS
Programming Language, 4th Edition (CS) and Introduction to Time Series
Analysis and Forecasting, With Applications of SAS and SPSS, by Yafee, with
McGee (YM).
- Homework 1 has been posted.
Week 0: