/* Forecasting Examples */ /* pp. 24-25 */ data steel; input date:monyy5. steelshp @@; format date monyy5.; title 'U.S. Steel Shipments Data'; title2 '(thousands of net tons)'; datalines; JAN84 5980 FEB84 6150 MAR84 7240 APR84 6472 MAY84 6948 JUN84 6686 JUL84 5820 AUG84 6033 SEP84 5454 OCT84 6087 NOV84 5317 DEC84 4867 JAN85 6017 FEB85 5598 MAR85 6344 APR85 6425 MAY85 6519 JUN85 6125 JUL85 5710 AUG85 6064 SEP85 5848 OCT85 6308 NOV85 5654 DEC85 5821 JAN86 6437 FEB86 5799 MAR86 6142 APR86 6283 MAY86 6212 JUN86 6007 JUL86 5815 AUG86 5364 SEP86 5608 OCT86 5923 NOV86 4899 DEC86 5199 JAN87 5664 FEB87 5527 MAR87 6234 APR87 6312 MAY87 6247 JUN87 6656 JUL87 6295 AUG87 6364 SEP87 6726 OCT87 7077 NOV87 6606 DEC87 6977 JAN88 6608 FEB88 6848 MAR88 7693 APR88 7082 MAY88 7187 JUN88 7422 JUL88 6325 AUG88 7035 SEP88 6922 OCT88 6912 NOV88 6712 DEC88 6738 JAN89 7278 FEB89 6832 MAR89 7824 APR89 7164 MAY89 7446 JUN89 7331 JUL89 6387 AUG89 7224 SEP89 6779 OCT89 7174 NOV89 6652 DEC89 6053 JAN90 6863 FEB90 6502 MAR90 7569 APR90 7023 MAY90 7523 JUN90 7493 JUL90 6890 AUG90 7366 SEP90 6893 OCT90 7366 NOV90 6907 DEC90 6187 JAN91 6786 FEB91 6039 MAR91 5966 APR91 6450 MAY91 6762 JUN91 6623 JUL91 6420 AUG91 6954 SEP91 6747 OCT91 7499 NOV91 6427 DEC91 6118 ; goptions cback=white colors=(black) border reset=(axis symbol); axis1 offset=(1 cm) label=('Year') minor=none order=('01jan84'd to '01jan92'd by year); axis2 label=(angle=90 'Steel Shipments') order=(4500 to 8500 by 1000); symbol1 i=join; proc gplot data=steel; format date year4.; plot steelshp*date / haxis=axis1 vaxis=axis2 vminor=1; run; /* -------------------------- */ /* EXAMPLE 3 */ /* -------------------------- */ /* The following program is found on pp. 55-63 of */ /* Forecasting Examples for Business and */ /* Economics Using the SAS System */ /* p. 55 */ proc arima data=steel; i var=steelshp; run; /* p. 57 */ e p=(2)(12) q=(1 3); run; /* p. 59 */ f lead=12; run; /* pp. 60-61 */ f lead=12 out=steel2 id=date interval=month noprint; run; data steel3; set steel2; if date lt '01jan92'd then do; forecast=.; l95=.; u95=.; end; run; goptions cback=white colors=(black) border reset=(axis symbol); axis1 offset=(1 cm) label=('Year') minor=none order=('01jan84'd to '01jan93'd by year); axis2 label=(angle=90 'Steel Shipments') order=(4500 to 8500 by 1000); symbol1 i=join l=1 h=2 pct v=star; symbol2 i=join l=1 h=3 pct v=F; symbol3 i=join l=20; proc gplot data=steel3; format date year4.; plot steelshp*date=1 forecast*date=2 l95*date=3 u95*date=3 / overlay haxis=axis1 vaxis=axis2 vminor=1; run; /* p. 63 */ proc forecast data=steel interval=month method=winters /* use Winters seasonal method */ seasons=month /* specify seasonality */ out=steelout lead=12 outstd; var steelshp; id date; run; proc print data=steelout; run;