--- title: "Models2" author: "Prof. Eric A. Suess" date: "2/13/2023" format: html --- ## Model Google's stock price. ```{r} library(pacman) p_load(tidyverse, fpp3) ``` Re-index based on trading days ```{r} google_stock <- gafa_stock %>% filter(Symbol == "GOOG", year(Date) >= 2015) %>% mutate(day = row_number()) %>% update_tsibble(index = day, regular = TRUE) google_stock ``` Filter the year of interest ```{r} google_2015 <- google_stock %>% filter(year(Date) == 2015) google_2015 ``` Fit the models ```{r} google_fit <- google_2015 %>% model( Mean = MEAN(Close), `Naïve` = NAIVE(Close), Drift = NAIVE(Close ~ drift()) ) google_fit ``` Produce forecasts for the trading days in January 2016 ```{r} google_jan_2016 <- google_stock %>% filter(yearmonth(Date) == yearmonth("2016 Jan")) google_fc <- google_fit %>% forecast(new_data = google_jan_2016) google_fc ``` Plot the forecasts ```{r} google_fc %>% autoplot(google_2015, level = NULL) + autolayer(google_jan_2016, Close, color = "black") + labs(x = "Day", y = "Closing Price (US$)", title = "Google stock prices (Jan 2015 - Jan 2016)") + guides(colour = guide_legend(title = "Forecast")) ``` ```{r} augment(google_fit) ``` ## Residual diagnostics A good forecasting method will yield innovation residuals with the following properties: #. The innovation residuals are uncorrelated. If there are correlations between innovation residuals, then there is information left in the residuals which should be used in computing forecasts. #. The innovation residuals have zero mean. If they have a mean other than zero, then the forecasts are biased. #. The innovation residuals have constant variance. #. The innovation residuals are normally distributed. ```{r} autoplot(google_2015, Close) + labs(x = "Day", y = "Closing Price (US$)", title = "Google Stock in 2015") ``` Fit the Naive model (jus t the mean) and augment the dataset with the residuals and innovations. ```{r} aug <- google_2015 %>% model(NAIVE(Close)) %>% augment() autoplot(aug, .innov) + labs(x = "Day", y = "Residual", title = "Residuals from naïve method") ``` Normal? ```{r} aug %>% ggplot(aes(x = .innov)) + geom_histogram() + labs(title = "Histogram of residuals") ``` ```{r} aug %>% ACF(.innov) %>% autoplot() + labs(title = "ACF of residuals") ``` ```{r} google_2015 %>% model(NAIVE(Close)) %>% gg_tsresiduals() ``` # Portmanteau test From a French word describing a suitcase or coat rack carrying several items of clothing. Test if there is at least one lagged autocorrelation is different from zero. Box-Pierce ```{r} aug %>% features(.innov, box_pierce, lag = 10) ``` Ljung-Box ```{r} aug %>% features(.innov, ljung_box, lag = 10) ```