Stat 652: Statistical Learning
Department of Statistics and Biostatistics, CSU East Bay
Spring 2025:
Week 3:
- Homework: Homework 2a has been posted.
- The following presentations are based on the chapters in the Lantz Machine Learning with R, Fourth Edition
- Presentation: images.pdf
- Regression.html
- Regression.qmd
- MLwR4e Chapter_06.R
- MLwR_v2_06.r
- challenger.csv
- insurance.csv
- Quarto Project:
- Website Spotlight: UC-r Linear Regression Tutorial
- Website Spotlight: UC-r Linear Model Selection Tutorial
- Spotlight blog: Decision Trees - An Intuitive Introduction
- Presentation: images.pdf
- Presentation:
- kNN_diagnosing_breast_cancer.html
- kNN_diagnosing_breast_cancer.qmd
- wisc_bc_data.csv
- MLwR4e Chapter_03.R
- MLwR_v2_03.r
- Quarto Project:
- R Notebook: Chap03-RNotebook
- Presentation: An example of running knn in the Tidyverse using the Tideymodels package.
- Spotlight blog: Tidymodels: tidy machine learning in R
- Spotlight Youtube: Jelena Ilic: Modeling, Tidyverse Way
Week 2:
- Assignment: Homework 1 has been posted. Download the .zip file into your class directory and Homework sub-directory, rename the .qmd file with your lastname and firstname, and add your name in the yaml header.
- Presentation:
- Quarto Notebook:
- Quarto Notebook:
- Ch09 Statistical Foundations.html using the infer R package
- Ch09 Statistical Foundations.qmd
- Spotlight Software:
- Spotlight Blog post: Prime Hints For Running A Data Project In R
- Spotlight blog: Data Science Central
- Spotlight blog: The 10 Statistical Techniques Data Scientists Need to Master
- Spotlight blog: MACHINE LEARNING TRENDS IN 2023
- Spotlight blog: 8 AI and machine learning trends to watch in 2025
- Spotlight blog: 2023 emerging AI and Machine Learning trends
- RStudio::global 2024: rstudio::conf 2024
- RStudio::global 2023: rstudio::conf 2023
- RStudio::global 2022: rstudio::conf 2022
- RStudio::global 2021: rstudio::global 2021
- Spotlight Books:
Week 1:
- Book: mdsr3e
- Assignment: Homework 1 has been posted.
- Presentation:
- Spotlight Software:
Week 0:
Learning R:
Learning Python:
Learn SQL:
Excellent References:
Data Science:
- Socviz
- r4ds
- ModernDive
- Yarrr!
- R Data Science Essentials
- Python Data Science Essentials
- Deep Learning Made Easy with R
- Doing Data Science
- Data Science from Scratch
- What is Data Science? (fast easy read)
- Ethics and Data Science (fast easy read)
- Data Driven (fast easy read)
- R Markdown: The Definitive Guide
Reading related to the Digital Economy:
- The Second Machine Age: Work, Progress and Prosperity in a Time of Brilliant Technologies
- Race Against the Machine
- Wired For Innovation
- Strategies for e-business success
- Understanding the Digital Economy
More Big Picture:
- Fourth Paradigm of Science: Data-Intensive Scientific Discovery
- McKinsey Global Institute Big Data: The next frontier for innovation, competition, and productivity