gamma.bestfit <- function(mode, p.up, x.up, shape.step = 0.01){ # This function returns the shape, rate and scale parameters # for a gamma prior given the mode and upper p percentile. # Since a mode is assumed scale > 1. p.up <- round(p.up, digits = 3) shape <- 1 i <- 1 repeat{ shape <- shape + shape.step rate <- (shape - 1)/ mode scale <- 1/rate percent <- pgamma(x.up,shape = shape, scale = scale) if(percent >= p.up){ <- shape break } i <- i + 1 } <- ( - 1)/mode <- 1/ final <- c(,, return(final) } beta.bestfit <- function(mode, p.up, x.up, a.step = 0.005){ # This function returns the a and b parameters # for a beta prior given the mode and upper p percentile. # Since a mode is assumed a > 1 and b > 1 is assumed. p.up <- round(p.up, digits = 3) if(mode <= 0.5){ a <- 1 i <- 1 repeat{ a <- a + a.step b <- (a*(1-mode)-1+2*mode)/mode percent <- pbeta(x.up,a, b) if(percent >= p.up){ <- a break } i <- i + 1 } <- (*(1-mode)-1+2*mode)/mode }else{ mode <- 1 - mode # fit the beta for a small a and then use symmetry p.up <- 1 - p.up x.up <- 1 - x.up a <- 1 i <- 1 repeat{ a <- a + a.step b <- (a*(1-mode)-1+2*mode)/mode percent <- pbeta(x.up,a, b) if(percent >= p.up){ <- a break } i <- i + 1 } <- (*(1-mode)-1+2*mode)/mode temp <- # switch parameters <- <- temp } final <- c(, return(final) } normal.bestfit <- function(mode, p.up, x.up, sd.step = 0.0001){ # This function returns the mean and standard deviation parameters # for a normal prior given the mode and upper p percentile. p.up <- round(p.up, digits = 3) mean <- mode sd <- 0 i <- 1 repeat{ sd <- sd + sd.step percent <- pnorm(x.up,mean,sd) if(percent <= p.up){ <- sd break } i <- i + 1 } <- mean final <- c(, return(final) } ################################################################################# # mean and sd for beta and gamma bm <- function(a,b) a/(a+b) bs <- function(a,b) sqrt( (a*b)/((a+b)^2*(a+b+1))) gm <- function(a,b) a/b gs <- function(a,b) sqrt(a/b^2) ################################################################################# # Example of gamma.bestfit mode <- 4 p <- 0.975 x.up <- 5 final <- gamma.bestfit(mode,p,x.up) final # Check shape <- final[1] scale <- final[3] prior.p <- pgamma(x.up, shape, scale) prior.p x <- seq(0,(gm(shape,1/scale)+5*gs(shape,1/scale)),0.01) y <- dgamma(x,shape = shape,scale = scale) plot(x,y,type="l") ################################################################################# # Example for beta.bestfit to left mode <- 0.01 p <- 0.95 x.up <- 0.02 final <- beta.bestfit(mode,p,x.up) final # Check a <- final[1] a b <- final[2] b prior.p <- pbeta(x.up,a,b) prior.p x <- seq(0,min((bm(a,b)+6*bs(a,b)),1),0.0001) y <- dbeta(x,a,b) plot(x,y,type="l") ################################################################################# # Example for beta.bestfit to right mode <- 0.99 p <- 0.05 x.up <- 0.98 final <- beta.bestfit(mode,p,x.up) # Check a <- final[1] a b <- final[2] b prior.p <- pbeta(x.up,a,b) prior.p x <- seq(max((bm(a,b)-6*bs(a,b)),0),1,0.0001) y <- dbeta(x,a,b) plot(x,y,type="l") ################################################################################# # Example for normal.bestfit to left mode <- 0.2 p <- 0.95 x.up <- 0.201 final <- normal.bestfit(mode,p,x.up) final # Check mu <- final[1] mu sigma <- final[2] sigma prior.p <- pnorm(x.up,mu,sigma) prior.p x <- seq((mu-5*sigma),(mu+5*sigma),0.0001) y <- dnorm(x, mu, sigma) plot(x,y,type="l")