Statistics 4970/6610: Homework

Homework 8:  (due Wednesday March 11)

  • Read Ch. 7
  1. Try all Activities from Week 9.
  2. Try the StockTwits Heatmap website.  What kind of plot(s) are being used to present the stock market data?

Homework 7:  (due Wednesday March 4)

  • Read Ch. 6, Distribution, Comparison
  1. Try all of the Activities from Week 8, Activity 4 is not required.  Try Activity 4 if you are interested.

Homework 6:  (due Monday February 23)

Statistics 4970

  • Read Ch. 5
  • Read Ch. 6, Correlation
  1. Try all of the Activities from Week 6.
  2. Using R run the example at the end of the Proportions2 presentations.

Statistics 6610

  • Read Ch. 5
  • Read Ch. 6
  1. Try all of the Activities from Week 6.
  2. Using R run the example at the end of the Proportions2 presentations.


Homework 5:  (due Wednesday February 11)

Statistics 4970

  • Read Ch. 4
  • Read Ch. 5
  1. Try all of the Activities from Week 5.  See the TimeSeries2 presentation.
  2. Using R run the JJ examples from the end of the TimeSeries2 presentation. 
  3. Using R run the example at the end of the Proportions presentations.

Statistics 6610

  • Read Ch. 4
  • Read Ch. 5
  1. Try all of the Activities from Week 5.  See the TimeSeries2 presentation.
  2. Using R run the JJ examples from the end of the TimeSeries2 presentation. 
  3. Using R run the example at the end of the Proportions presentations.
  4. Download the stacked-bar.html file and the protovis.js library.  Modify the bar graph to show increases Approval rather than decreasing.  Change Barak Obama to President Obama.

Homework 4: (due Wednesday February 4)

  • Try all of the Activities from Week 4. 
  • Make a wordcloud from Activity One. 
  • Make a map from Activity Three.  Hopefully the main tableau website is working.
  • Try to make a heatmap in from Activity Five
  • Try to make a map of the Bay Area from Activity Six.
  • Using R run the mtcars examples from the end of the Tools2 presentations.  Print out the pictures and turn them in.

Homework 3: (due Wednesday January 28)

Statistics 4970

  • Read Ch. 3
  • From the FollowingData website read a Project that uses maps.  Explain what the project was about and what data was used.  Summarize the information being presented in the maps.
  • From the Revolution Analytics blog find a post that uses maps.  Explain what the project was about and what data was used.  Summarize the information being presented in the maps.
  • Find a dataset of interest to you.  For example, find a job description for an open position that asks for visualizations skills and pertains to a specific area of data analysis.  For example, World Bank might be hiring someone to produce maps using World Bank Data.  (Aside: Check out the Jobs Data Portal.  Maybe a good source for this problem.) 
    •  Make a plot of your data on a map using google Charts (this is from google Sheets in google Docs). 
    • Make the same  plot of your data in tableau.
  • Using R run the mtcars examples from the end of the Tools presentations.  Print out the pictures and turn them in.

Statistics 6610

  • Read Ch. 3
  • From the FollowingData website read a Project that uses maps.  Explain what the project was about and what data was used.  Summarize the information being presented in the maps.
  • From the Revolution Analytics blog find a post that uses maps.  Explain what the project was about and what data was used.  Summarize the information being presented in the maps.
  • Find a dataset of interest to you.  For example, find a job description for an open position that asks for visualizations skills and pertains to a specific area of data analysis.  For example, World Bank might be hiring someone to produce maps using World Bank Datat.  (Aside: Check out the Jobs Data Portal.  Maybe a good source for this problem.) 
    •  Make a plot of your data on a map using google Charts (this is from google Sheets in google Docs). 
    • Make the same  plot of your data in tableau.
  • Install the Quandl library in R.  Find an interesting dataset from Quandl and make a time series plot in R.
  • Using R run the mtcars examples from the end of the Tools presentations.  Print out the pictures and turn them in.


Homework 2: (due Wednesday January 21)

Statistics 4970

  • Read Chapter 2
  • Try out the Weather Underground website.  Find the current temperature of a city of your choice.  Try WonderMap also.  Print out the picture and turn it in.  Optional, tweet it to me at @esuess
  • Use quantmod to download stock market data directly into R.  Make similar plots to the ones you made using the yahoo finance webpage for Homework 1 now using the quantmod library in R.  Use the example code in stocks03.R  Save the output to a pdf file.  Print out the pictures and turn them in.
  • Choose 4 more stocks and update the code in stocks03.R  Save the plots for your portfolio.  Comment on how the stock market is doing currently.  Print out the pictures and turn them in.
  • Using R run the mtcars examples from the end of the DataScraping presentations.  Print out the pictures and turn them in.
  • Do you want to work as an Application User, Scripter, or Hacker?

Statistics 6610

  • Read Chapter 2
  • Try out the Weather Underground website.  Find the current temperature of a city of your choice.  Try WonderMap also.  Print out the picture and turn it in.  Optional, tweet it to me at @esuess
  • Use quantmod to download stock market data directly into R.  Make similar plots to the ones you made using the yahoo finance webpage for Homework 1 now using the quantmod library in R.  Use the example code in stocks03.R  Save the output to a pdf file.  Print out the pictures and turn them in.
  • Choose 4 more stocks and update the code in stocks03.R  Save the plots for your portfolio.  Comment on how the stock market is doing currently.  Print out the pictures and turn them in.
  • Using R run the mtcars examples from the end of the DataScraping and DataTypes presentations.  Print out the pictures and turn them in.
  • From the Quick-R website, run the R programs to make plots for the mtcars data.  See the Basic Graphs links.
  • Find the parking meter dataset from DataSF and produce some data visualizations using the tools provided on the website, in Excel and in tableau.
  • Do you want to work as an Application User, Scripter, or Hacker?

Homework 1: (due Monday January 12)

  • Read Introduction and Chapter 1
  • Software: Install Gapminder World Offiline
  • Software: Install tableau public and the educational version of the software.
  • Software: Install R and RStudio

Statistics 4970

  • Make a plot using Gapminder.  Since you cannot print or save anything, just do it once.
  • Use yahoo finance to plot a time series of a stock you are interested in.  Print out the picture and turn it in.  Optional: Tweet it to me @esuess
  • Download the historical data for your stock.  Check the file to make sure there are no problems, such as, dividend paid.  Upload the text data into tableau public.  Make a time plot.  Print out the picture and turn it in.  Optional, tweet it to me at @esuess

Statistics 6610

  • Make a plot using Gapminder.  Since you cannot print or save anything, just do it once.
  • Use yahoo finance to plot a time series of a stock you are interested in.  Print out the picture and turn it in.  Optional: Tweet it to me @esuess
  • Download the historical data for your stock.  Check the file to make sure there are no problems, such as, dividend paid.  Upload the text data into tableau public.  Make a time plot.  Print out the picture and turn it in.  Optional: Tweet it to me at @esuess
  • Using R run the cars examples from the ends of the Welcome and GettingStarted presentations.  Print out the pictures and turn them in.