Statistics 6501: Homework 1

  • Read Ch7 Sec 1-5
  • Problems Ch7 3, 5, 7, 16, 17, 21, 22, 24, 35, 58 (simulation), 65 or 67 (do one of the two problems)
  • Problem 65 cancer.txt  cancer.MTW  cancer.R
  • Problem 67 families.txt  families.mtw  families.R
  • Correction to R code for Problems 65 and 67.  Tab delimited files replaced by csv files.  The R code has been replaced to read the data into R.

From jstore find and read the following papers.  JSTORE - online statistics and probability articles, available on campus.

  • Whitmore, Prediction Limits for a Univariate Normal Observation,  The American Statistician, May 1986, Vol. 40, No. 2, 141-143.