/* On January 28, 1986 the space shuttle Chanllenger exploded. This accident was caused by a combustion gas leak through a field-joint in one of the booster rockets, which was searled by a device called an O-ring. Each of the two solid rocket motors was equipped with three such O-rings. After the accident a commission was appointed to find the cause. This commission determined the thermal distress of the O-ring was the cause. See the book Foundations of Statistical Analysis and Applications with SAS, by Falk, Marohn, and Tewes for this example. */ LIBNAME datalib 'C:\Documents and Settings\Eric A. Suess\Desktop\StatwithSAS\data'; FILENAME rawdata "C:\Documents and Settings\Eric A. Suess\Desktop\StatwithSAS\rawdata\oring.dat"; DATA datalib.oring; INFILE rawdata; INPUT flight $ temp erosion counts f; RUN; AXIS1 ORDER = (-1 TO 2) LABLE=('Z'); AXIS2 LABEL=('Tempurature'); PROC GPLOT DATA=datalib.oring; BUBBLE erosion*temp=f / VAXIS=AXIS1 HAXIS=AXIS2; RUN; QUIT; PROC GPLOT DATA=datalib.oring(OBS=23); BUBBLE erosion*temp=f / VAXIS=AXIS1 HAXIS=AXIS2; RUN; QUIT; PROC CATMOD DATA=datalib.oring(OBS=23); RESPONSE CLOGITS; DIRECT temp; MODEL erosion = temp / ML ; RUN; QUIT;