### R program that simulates Groups Testing. Example C, pp 128-129. n <- 100000 # samples m <- 10000 # groups k <- n/m # samples in each group Note: n = m*k Pi <- 0.05 # prevalence P(D) Eta <- 1 # sensativity P(+|D) Theta <- 1 # specificity P(-|D^c) p <- 1 - ( Eta*Pi + (1-Theta)*(1-Pi) ) # probability a sample tests negative N <- 0 # count of number of postive tests for (i in 1:m){ # test m groups if(rbinom(1,1,p^k) == 1){ # group is negative, with probability p^k, and only one test needs to be performed N <- N + 1 } else{ # group is postive, so one test is done and k more need to be performed N <- N + k + 1 } } # the simlates value for N N # the theoretical expected value for N ev.N <- n*(1 + (1/k) - (p^k)) ev.N