# This R program transforms independent BVN to (X1,X2) correlated BVN (W1,W2) n = 2000 # The goal is to simulate the the muw1 = 10 muw2 = 25 sigmaw1 = 2 sigmaw2 = 3 sigmasqw1 = sigmaw1^2 sigmasqw2 = sigmaw2^2 rhow1w2 = -0.4 covw1w2 = rhow1w2*sigmaw1*sigmaw2 # plot the BVN mu1<-muw1 # setting the expected value of x1 mu2<-muw2 # setting the expected value of x2 s11<-sigmasqw1 # setting the variance of x1 s12<-covw1w2 # setting the covariance between x1 and x2 s22<-sigmasqw2 # setting the variance of x2 rho<-rhow1w2 # setting the correlation coefficient between x1 and x2 x1<-seq(mu1-10,mu1+10,length=41) # generating the vector series x1 x2<-seq(mu2-10,mu2+10,length=41) f<-function(x1,x2){ term1 <- 1/(2*pi*sqrt(s11*s22*(1-rho^2))) term2 <- -1/(2*(1-rho^2)) term3 <- (x1-mu1)^2/s11 term4 <- (x2-mu2)^2/s22 term5 <- -2*rho*((x1-mu1)*(x2-mu2))/(sqrt(s11)*sqrt(s22)) term1*exp(term2*(term3+term4-term5)) } # setting up the function of the multivariate normal density z<-outer(x1,x2,f) # calculating the density values persp(x1, x2, z, main="Two dimensional Normal Distribution", sub=expression(italic(f)~(bold(x))==frac(1,2~pi~sqrt(sigma[11]~ sigma[22]~(1-rho^2)))~phantom(0)~exp~bgroup("{", list(-frac(1,2(1-rho^2)), bgroup("[", frac((x[1]~-~mu[1])^2, sigma[11])~-~2~rho~frac(x[1]~-~mu[1], sqrt(sigma[11]))~ frac(x[2]~-~mu[2],sqrt(sigma[22]))~+~ frac((x[2]~-~mu[2])^2, sigma[22]),"]")),"}")), col="lightgreen", theta=30, phi=20, r=50, d=0.1, expand=0.5, ltheta=90, lphi=180, shade=0.75, ticktype="detailed", nticks=5) # produces the 3-D plot # adding a text line to the graph mtext(expression(list(mu[1]==10,mu[2]==25,sigma[11]==2,sigma[22]==3,sigma[12]==-2.4,rho==-0.4)), side=3) # simulate independent random uniforms u1 = runif(n) u2 = runif(n) X11() par(mfrow=c(2,2)) hist(u1);hist(u2);plot(u1,u2) umean = c(mean(u1),mean(u2));umean usd = c(sd(u1),sd(u2));usd ucor = cor(u1,u2);ucor # simulate independent random normals - Box-Muller Method x1 = sqrt(-2*log(u1))*cos(2*pi*u2) x2 = sqrt(-2*log(u1))*sin(2*pi*u2) X11() par(mfrow=c(2,2)) hist(x1);hist(x2);plot(x1,x2) xmean = c(mean(x1),mean(x2));xmean xsd = c(sd(x1),sd(x2));xsd xcor = cor(x1,x2);xcor # trasnsform to correlated normals BVN(0,sigmasqw1,0,sigmassqw2,rho) T11 = sigmaw1 T21 = rhow1w2*sigmaw2 T22 = sigmaw2*sqrt(1-rhow1w2^2) w1 = T11*x1 w2 = T21*x1 + T22*x2 X11() par(mfrow=c(2,2)) hist(w1);hist(w2);plot(w1,w2) wmean = c(mean(w1),mean(w2));wmean wsd = c(sd(w1),sd(w2));wsd wcor = cor(w1,w2);wcor # tansform to add means BVN(muw1,sigmasqw1,muw2,sigmassqw2,rho) y1 = muw1 + w1 y2 = muw2 + w2 X11() par(mfrow=c(2,2)) hist(y1);hist(y2);plot(y1,y2) ymean = c(mean(y1),mean(y2));ymean ysd = c(sd(y1),sd(y2));ysd ycor = cor(y1,y2);ycor # rotate by theta to make independent BVN(muw1,sigmasqw1,muw2,sigmassqw2,0) theta = 0.5*atan((2*rhow1w2*sigmaw1*sigmaw2)/(sigmasqw1-sigmasqw2)) theta v1 = y1*cos(theta) + y2*sin(theta) v2 = -y1*sin(theta) + y2*cos(theta) X11() par(mfrow=c(2,2)) hist(v1);hist(v2);plot(v1,v2) vmean = c(mean(v1),mean(v2));vmean vsd = c(sd(v1),sd(v2));vsd vcor = cor(v1,v2);vcor # using the mvrnorm( ) function from the library MASS library(MASS) mu = c(muw1,muw2);mu Sigma = matrix(c(sigmasqw1,covw1w2,covw1w2,sigmasqw2),2,2);Sigma aa = mvrnorm(n, mu, Sigma) X11() par(mfrow=c(2,2)) hist(aa[,1]);hist(aa[,2]);plot(aa) aamean = c(mean(aa[,1]),mean(aa[,2]));aamean aasd = c(sd(aa[,1]),sd(aa[,2]));aasd aacor = cor(aa[,1],aa[,2]);aacor ################################################################### # scatterplots for large data # install.packages("IDPmisc", repos = "http://cran.cnr.Berkeley.edu") library(IDPmisc) X11() ipairs(matrix(c(u1,u2),n,2)) X11() ipairs(matrix(c(x1,x2),n,2)) X11() ipairs(matrix(c(w1,w2),n,2)) X11() ipairs(matrix(c(y1,y2),n,2)) X11() ipairs(matrix(c(v1,v2),n,2)) X11() ipairs(aa) # install.packages("gplots", repos = "http://cran.cnr.Berkeley.edu") library(gplots) X11() par(mfrow=c(2,2)) hist2d(u1,u2, nbins=50, col = c("white",heat.colors(16))) box() hist2d(x1,x2, nbins=50, col = c("white",heat.colors(16))) box() hist2d(w1,w2, nbins=50, col = c("white",heat.colors(16))) box() hist2d(y1,y2, nbins=50, col = c("white",heat.colors(16))) box()