### This script plots the binomial probability mass
function four
### times with different parameter values on the
same scales.
### Plot the Binomial
x.max <- 50
# plot 1
n <- 20
p <- 0.5
x <- seq(0,x.max)
y <- dbinom(x,n,p)
plot(x,y,type='h', main="Bin(20,0.5)")
# plot 2
n <- 20
p <- 0.75
x <- seq(0,x.max)
y <- dbinom(x,n,p)
plot(x,y,type='h', main="Bin(20,0.75)")
# plot 3
n <- 40
p <- 0.75
x <- seq(0,x.max)
y <- dbinom(x,n,p)
plot(x,y,type='h', main="Bin(40,0.75)")
### Plot the Exponential
y.max <- 2
# plot 4
lambda <- 0.5 �� # note that this is the rate paramter =
1/scale paramter
x <- seq(0.01,10,0.01)
y <- dexp(x,lambda)
plot(x,y,type='l', main="Exp(0.5)",
# plot 5
lambda <- 1
x <- seq(0.01,10,0.01)
y <- dexp(x,lambda)
plot(x,y,type='l', main="Exp(1)",
# plot 6
lambda <- 2
x <- seq(0.01,10,0.01)
y <- dexp(x,lambda)
plot(x,y,type='l', main="Exp(2)",
### Plot the Gamma
y.max <- 3
# plot 7
alpha <- 0.5� �� # shape parameter
lambda <- 1�� �� # note that this is the rate paramter =
1/scale paramter
x <- seq(0.01,20,0.01)
y <- dgamma(x,alpha,lambda)
plot(x,y,type='l', main="Gamma(0.5,1)",
# plot 8
alpha <- 1 �� # shape parameter
lambda <- 1�� �� # note that this is the rate paramter =
1/scale paramter
x <- seq(0.01,20,0.01)
y <- dgamma(x,alpha,lambda)
plot(x,y,type='l', main="Gamma(1,1)",
y.max <- 0.3
# plot 9
alpha <- 5��� �� # shape parameter
lambda <- 1�� �� # note that this is the rate paramter =
1/scale paramter
x <- seq(0.01,20,0.01)
y <- dgamma(x,alpha,lambda)
plot(x,y,type='l', main="Gamma(5,1)",
# plot 10
alpha <- 10�� �� # shape parameter
lambda <- 1�� �� # note that this is the rate paramter =
1/scale paramter
x <- seq(0.01,20,0.01)
y <- dgamma(x,alpha,lambda)
plot(x,y,type='l', main="Gamma(5,1)",
y.max <- 2
# plot 11
alpha <- 2��� �� # shape parameter
lambda <- 0.5 �� # note that this is the rate paramter =
1/scale paramter
x <- seq(0.01,10,0.01)
y <- dgamma(x,alpha,lambda)
plot(x,y,type='l', main="Gamma(2,0.5)",
# plot 12
alpha <- 2��� �� # shape parameter
lambda <- 1�� �� # note that this is the rate paramter =
1/scale paramter
x <- seq(0.01,10,0.01)
y <- dgamma(x,alpha,lambda)
plot(x,y,type='l', main="Gamma(2,1)",
# plot 13
alpha <- 2 �� # shape parameter
lambda <- 2�� �� # note that this is the rate paramter =
1/scale paramter
x <- seq(0.01,10,0.01)
y <- dgamma(x,alpha,lambda)
plot(x,y,type='l', main="Gamma(2,2)",
# plot 14
alpha <- 2��� �� # shape parameter
lambda <- 3�� �� # note that this is the rate paramter =
1/scale paramter
x <- seq(0.01,10,0.01)
y <- dgamma(x,alpha,lambda)
plot(x,y,type='l', main="Gamma(2,3)",