Department of Statistics and Biostatistics

California State University, East Bay 

Fall 2013

Stat 4910: Advanced Statistical Package Usage

Stat 6250: SAS Programming

Course Description Homework Important Dates Statistics Software
Syllabus Handouts Virtual Computing Lab VCL Statistics Links

Week 11:

  • Guest lecture, 8 - 9pm, SSc 146
  • Quiz 2 during the first part of the second hour, in the computer lab, use of the computers in the lab will be permitted for the quiz.
  • Final next week Monday Dec. 9 8:00 - 9:50pm  CORRECTION
  • Last day to turn in hw is Monday Dec. 9
  • Next quarter R class, Stat. 4861/6861
  • KP Internship

Project 2  (due Dec. 13)

Evaluations - Please complete the online class evaluation.

Professor Suess,

You are receiving this E-mail because the course \"STAT 4910 Sec 01:Adv Statistical Package Use (STAT_4910_01_1)\" is part of the online course evaluation process for Fall 2013. This course is currently reporting a low response of 18% (Based on a total number of students enrolled: 11).

Please communicate the importance of this feedback with your students and advise them to participate in the current evaluation process in order to help improve teaching excellence and the success of our academic programs. Please encourage your students to complete these evaluations during the time period in which they are available and remind them that they can be completed via any computer, tablet, or mobile device.

All student responses are completely CONFIDENTIAL. The course evaluations that have been completed in your course can be viewed in the online system, but no one can view the actual responses associated with individual students.

Thank You
Note: This email was generated automatically by the Class Climate online course evaluation system at CSUEB.
Professor Suess,

You are receiving this E-mail because the course \"STAT 6250 Sec 01:SAS Programming (STAT_6250_01_1)\" is part of the online course evaluation process for Fall 2013. This course is currently reporting a low response of 3% (Based on a total number of students enrolled: 33).

Please communicate the importance of this feedback with your students and advise them to participate in the current evaluation process in order to help improve teaching excellence and the success of our academic programs. Please encourage your students to complete these evaluations during the time period in which they are available and remind them that they can be completed via any computer, tablet, or mobile device.

All student responses are completely CONFIDENTIAL. The course evaluations that have been completed in your course can be viewed in the online system, but no one can view the actual responses associated with individual students.

Thank You
Note: This email was generated automatically by the Class Climate online course evaluation system at CSUEB.



Week 10:

  • Quiz 2 on Monday next week, Dec. 2.
  • Homework 8 has been posted.  Due Dec. 2.
  • Homework 9 has been posted.  Due Dec. 9.
  • Monday guest speaker at 8pm in the Computer Lab.
  • See Handouts
    • Macros, Debbie's examples
    • SQL, Carlo's presentation

Week 9:

  • If you cannot attend class today Wednesday November 11, please turn your project in through Blackboard in Project 1.


  • Discuss handouts from last week.  Proc Means, Proc Freq, Proc Tabulate
  • Answer questions about the Project.  Due Wednesday this week.
  • Discuss handouts for ODS

Project 2  (due Dec. 13)

google question

google question

SAS Global Forum

Week 8:

  • Homework 7 has been posted.  Due Nov. 25.
  • Check out this website  bi-notes


Project 1

Week 7:

  • Monday Nov. 11 is a University Holiday, the University will be closed.  We will not have class on Monday.


  • The data for Homework 5b are available on the Homework page.  If you were unable to find the data for Mixed, Social and Personal complete the homework this week.
  • I am still grading the Midterm.  The most likely date that I will be done grading the Midterm will be next week Monday 11/11/2013
  • Here is a very interesting website that can be used to discuss SAS code online.  run;submit;  If you find any other similar website, please email me the link.
  • Homework 6 has been posted.  Due Nov. 18
  • The handouts for this week have been posted.
  • Project 1 is due Nov. 20. 
  • Here is the link to the website with the reports I mentioned in class on Wednesday.  NYTS

Week 6:

  • The data for Homework 5a are available on the Homework page.  If you were unable to find the data for Health and Psych, complete the homework and submit later this week.
  • Homework 5b has been posted.  Due Nov. 4.
  • Quiz 1 will be returned Monday in class.
  • The midterm will be in class on Wednesday.
  • Everyone should be working on Project 1.

Week 5:

  • Quiz 1 on Wednesday this week.
  • Midterm next week on Wednesday.
  • Project 1 will be available later this week.
  • Homework 5a has been posted.  Due Oct. 28
  • The handouts for this week have been posted. 

Project 1

Week 4:

  • We will start with Homework questions first on Monday in class.
  • Homework 4 has been posted.  Due Oct. 21.
  • The handouts for this week have been posted.  Including basic simulation, ANOVA and Regression in SAS.

Week 3:

  • We will start with Homework questions first on Monday in class.
  • Homework 3 has been posted.  Due Oct. 14.
  • If you have not run through all of the Faculty Development survey analysis, you should do that soon.
  • The handouts for this week have been posted.  Including basic simulation, ANOVA and Regression in SAS.

Week 2:

  • I have set up the Bb Homework Assessments for hw1 and hw2.  You should be able to turn in your homework now.  We will discuss the format for turning in your homework on Wed.
  • The VCL has been set up.  You can access the VCL from within Bb on the left column CSU VCL Pilot or from the link above.  I will introduce the VCL in class tonight. 
  • Homework 2 has been posted.  Due Oct. 7.
  • The handouts for this week have been posted.
  • I have new (old) media for SAS to pass out this evening.  If you have a flashdrive, please return it this evening.  If you were able to get it to work, please let me know what you did.  I will be replacing everything on the current flashdrives and passing them out on Wednesday again.

Week 1:

  • This week we will Introduce SAS.
  • Handout1 and Handout2 have been posted under the Handout link above.
  • Homework 1 has been posted.  Due Monday Sept. 30.  (turn in date postponed until Monday Oct. 7, I do not have a way for you to turn in your hw yet.)
  • To turn in the Homework 1 assignments use the (Digital DropBox ??) in Blackboard.  You should turn in one file with your following filename:  Lastname_Firstname_hw1.doc

CSUEB Library

  • In Bb use Library Resources.


From last weeks BASAS meeting we heard a presentation from the President and CEO, Ale Gicqueau, of Clinovo. His company provide some open source SAS code for data mapping CDISK Express.  Please check it out, has great examples of SAS Macros.

McKinsey&Company: Big data: The next frontier for innovation, competition, and productivity (check out the nice use of the bubble plot)

Very interesting LinkedIn SAS Network discussion

LinkedIn post:

  • Join the SAS Professional Forum Group in LinkedIn
  • Join the BASAS Group in LinkedIn - Join BASAS

Check out SAS Online Doc

SAS Certification


Week 0:

  • The book for the class is:  Learning SAS by Example, A Programmer's Guide, Ron Cody, SAS Press Series, 2007.  ISBN 978-1-59994-165-3

The data files for the book are available online.  Here is the email I sent to everyone about getting the files.

Hello everyone,

All of the data files for the book are online. The website is mentioned on page 4 of the book.

Down the page on the right is the link to the information.

In that document is the link to the datafiles and information about how to install the files. Here is the link.