*Program 13-9 Loading the initial values of a temporary array from a raw data file; data score; array ans{10} $ 1; array key{10} $ 1 _temporary_; /* Load the temporary array elements */ if _n_ = 1 then do Ques = 1 to 10; input key{Ques} $1. @; end; input ID (Ans1-Ans10)($1.); RawScore = 0; /* Score the test */ do Ques = 1 to 10; RawScore + (key{Ques} eq Ans{Ques}); end; Percent = 100*RawScore/10; keep ID RawScore Percent; datalines; ABCDEEDCBA 123 ABCDEDDDCA 126 ABCDEEDCBA 129 DBCBCEDDEB ;