Department of Statistics
California State University,
Fall 2003
Stat 6031: Introduction to Statistics for Bioinformatics
Week 6:
- Computer handout 6 has been posted.
- Presentation 7 corrections have been posted also.
Week 5:
- Presentation 6a and Presentation 7 have been posted, see the Handouts
Week 4:
- Presentation 6 has been posted, see the Handouts link.
- Computer handout 4 has been posted, see the Handouts link.
- Homework 2 has been posted, see the Homework link.
- Computer handout 5 has been posted, see the Handouts link.
- Homework 1 solution has been posted, see the Homework link.
Week 3:
- Presentation 5 has been posted, see the Handouts link.
- Computer handout 3 has been posted, see the Handouts link.
- Midterms and Final dates have been posted, see Important Dates link.
Week 2:
- Presentations 2 and 3 have been posted, see the Handouts link.
Week 1:
- Homework1 has been posted see the Homework link.
- Computer handouts 1 and 2 have been posted see the Handouts link.
- The syllabus has been posted.
- Presentations 1a and 1b have been posted, see the Handouts link.