Handout02 Stat3900/4950 How to make comments? What is the missing data symbol in SAS? How do we create new variables? Procs for descriptive statistics, simple plots, and options. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Comment rest of the line ; /* Comment what is between */ /***************************************************************** To comment out a part of your program. *****************************************************************/ data htwt; input subject gender $ height weight; datalines; 1 M 68.5 155 2 F 61.2 99 3 F 63.0 115 4 M 70.0 205 5 M 68.6 170 6 F 65.1 125 7 M 72.4 220 ; proc means data=htwt; title 'Simple Descriptive Statistics'; run; proc print data=htwt; run; proc means data=htwt n mean maxdev=3; title 'Simple Descriptive Statistics'; var height; run; proc univariate data=htwt; title 'More Descriptive Statistics'; var height weight; run; proc univariate data=htwt normal plot; title 'More Descriptive Statistics'; var height weight; id subject; run; proc sort data=htwt; by gender; run; proc means data=htwt n mean std maxdec=2; by gender; var height weight; run; proc plot data=htwt; plot weight*height=gender; run; proc gplot data=htwt; plot weight*height=gender; run; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------