Department of Statistics

California State University, Hayward 

Spring 2001

Stat 3502: Statistical Inference I

Course Description Homework Important Dates Statistics Software
Syllabus Handouts The Book: Ott 4th ed Statistics Online Texts/Courses
Data Files Stat Lab Times Open Statistics Links

Week 9:

  • Monday we will go to the computer lab.  We will do examples of 2-sample hypothesis testing, equal-variance hypothesis testing, chi-square test, linear regression, and ANOVA.
  • You should print out the following handount Minitab Output for Simple Linear Regression.pdf

Week 8:

  • Midterm 2 Wednesday.

Week 7:

  • Quiz 2 will be given on Wednesday.

Week 6:

  • This week we will continue the introduction to Statistical Inference.  We will begin Hypothesis Testing.

Week 5:

  • I am grading Midterm 1 and hope to return it Wednesday.

Week 4:

  • Monday we will discuss the Central Limit Theorem and review for the Midterm.
  • Midterm 1 will on Wednesday.

Week 3:

  • On Monday I will try again to add everyone to the class.  If you added the class you should be sure to check that your enrollment status is correct.

Week 2:

  • I submitted the add list today.  Everyone who was on the computer add list that signed up in class was added.  
  • If you have not gotten onto the waiting list over the phone and you signed up in class you were NOT added.  You will need to get on the waiting list over the phone in the next few days so that I can have you added to the class on Monday.  
  • Everyone who added the class should check to make sure that your records have been updated correctly.  If there is a problem please send me an e-mail and let me know by Monday.  

Week 1:

  • You should be working on Homework1.  

Week 0:

  • The text book for the course is An Introduction to Statistical Methods and Data Analysis 4th ed, by R. Lyman Ott.