Department of Statistics
California State University,
East Bay
Spring 2005
Stat 1000: Elements of Probability and Statistics
Week 10:
- Hw #8 will not be collected.
- The solutions for Hw #7 and Hw #8 have been posted on Blackboard.
- Some example data sets: UCDavis2.MTW
- Miniproject 3 is due Monday.
- Extra Credit: 11.70a, 11.71a, 13.16 and redo same analysis for Price.
Due Monday.
- Final is Monday. Here are some suggestions about studying for the
final: finalreview.doc
- Finally, read the Ten Guiding Principles on page 607.
Week 9:
Week 8:
- Midterm 2 is on Monday.
- The solution to HW #6 has been posted on Blackboard under Course
- HW #7 has been posted.
- There will be one more homework assignment posted next week.
Week 7:
- We will complete the lecture for HW #5 today, Monday. You may turn
in HW #5 on Wednesday.
- HW #6 has been posted and some of it will be covered on the Midterm next
- Midterm 2 will be give next week on Monday.
- The solution to homework 4 and 5 have been posted on Blackboard.
- Midterm Review: Midterm2Review.doc
Week 6:
Week 5:
- hw3 will be collected on Friday April 29
- Miniproject 1 will be collected on Friday also
- There will be a quiz on Friday related to Correlation and Regression
- Excel handouts for correlation and regression have been posted under the
Handouts link above.
- The graded Midterm will be returned on Friday in class.
- Midterm 1 solutions: sample.MTW
- Homework #4 has been posted and will be due next week on Wednesday May 4.
RE: hw, miniproject 1
Hello everyone,
This is just a reminder that hw 3 will have a due date
later this week. We need to finish introducing correlation and linear
hw 3 is due Friday April 29
I have received a number of emails asking me what question
or questions is being asked about in the Miniproject 1. The main question that
we discussed in class was
"What is the difference in your pulse rate under different
activity levels."
Some other questions about the data might be, how can we
calculate the average of the data from each level to see how your pulse rate
differs? Another question might be, is there a difference in the pulse or
variation in the data at each level of activity.
Another question about graphically representing the data,
how can one graphically compare the different groups of data on one graph? Ans:
By making a side-by-side boxplot.
You should think of a few other questions and answer them
As for Writing up the paper, the paper should look like a
paper not a hw assignment. It must be typed and have the following
1. Title
2. Your name and the name of the class.
3. Introduction: Describe what you did and why you were
asked to do it.
4. Body of analysis: Discuss at least 3 main issues. The
comparison between the 3 groups. What the means are and how they differ. The
comparison of the spread in each group and how they differ. You should prepare
a side-by-side boxplot and discuss this for sure, it might be for the first
5. Conclusions: You might search google for what the
average pulse rate is for Americans at you age group. State anything else you
might have learned.
Hopefully this gives a little better idea of what to work
on when writing up your report on your pulse rate.
Prof. Suess
Week 4:
- Midterm 1 will be given in class on Wednesday.
- Mini-Project 1 is due next week on Monday. Remember your paper
should be typed and look like a written paper not a homework assignment.
- Please turn in Homework 3 next week on Wednesday with the Midterm.
The solution to Homework 3 has been posted on Blackboard so you can check
your answers.
- Here are some links to interesting correlation and regression applets.
Week 3:
- Mini-Project 1 has been posted, see Handouts above. A requirements
document has also been posted. Due April 25.
- Homework #3 has been posted.
Week 2:
- Homework #2 will be posted on Wednesday and will be short this week so
we can get caught up from last week.
- Homework #1 will be collected next week on Monday along with the short
Homework #2.
- An in-class Quiz #1 will be given Friday. To study for the quiz you should
complete the
Tutorial Quiz on the books Website. Click on
Utts above. Select Chapter 1 and then Tutorial Quiz. Also,
for Chapter 2.
- Please see Handouts above to find the GENDER and ACCIDENTS data from
- Mini-Project 1 has been posted, see Handouts above. Due April 25.
- The date of the first midterm has been posted, see Important Dates
above. April 20.
- On Friday April 22 the Annual Statistics Research Day will be held.
So class will be to attend the event during class time. A short quiz
will be give.
- The books PowerPoint presentations have been posted on Blackboard under
Course Materials.
Week 1:
- Homework #1 has been posted.
- See the Handouts link for in class materials.
- If you were present on the first day of classes there is a grade of 1
point for the Introductory information turned in. You should log into
Blackboard and check to see if you received credit. If you have just
added the class your name might not be in the system yet. I will check
back next week to see if you have been added and will record your point.
- Please see Handouts above to find the AGE, CLASSES, and UNITS data from
- Please see Handouts above to find links to the stemplot.doc and
histogram.doc handouts.