Statistics 1000 Elements of Probability and Statistics


Calculate the probability that a couple has a certain number of children.

We will examine this probability calculation in three ways. 

1.      (Classical Method) Calculate the probability that a couple has exactly 3 girls in 4 children.  List all of the possible outcomes that are in the sample space S.  Compute the probability by counting.

2.      (Long-Run Relative Frequency/By-hand)  Approximate the probability that a couple has 3 girls in 4 children.   Using a fair coin to represent the outcome of a birth, a head for a girl and a tail for a boy.  Proceed as follows:

a.       Toss a fair coin 4 times, letting H = girl and T = boy.

b.      Count how often you got a head.

c.       Record “yes” if 3 heads, no if not.

d.      Repeat steps i.- iii., 50 times.

e.       Count how many of the 50 had a “yes.”  Compute an estimate of the probability by dividing your count by 50.

f.        How close is you estimate to your answer in part 1?

3.      (Long-Run Relative Frequency/Monte Carlo Simulation on a Computer)  Using Minitab we can simulate the process.  Suppose the couple actually wants to have 5 children and they are interested in the probability of having exactly 4 boys.  We can also use a more accurate probability of a boy being born, use P(boys) = 0.52.  Using Minitab proceed as follows:

a.       Generate 10,000 simulated families having 5 children with the probability of a boy being 0.52.  In Minitab, click Calc > Random Data > Bernoulli. Then enter Generate: 10000, Store in: c1-c5, Probability: 0.52.  Click OK.  So each row is a family’s five children where 1 = boy and 0 = girl.

b.      Calculate the total number of boys in each family.  In Minitab, click Calc > Row Statistics.  Then click on Sum, Input variables: c1-c5, Store in: c6, OK.

c.       Indicate the families that had 4 boys.  To do this we will recode the data.  In Minitab, click Manip > Code > Numeric to Numeric.  Fill in the box as follows and click OK.

d.      Finally, calculate the simulated probability.  In Minitab, click Calc > Column Statistics.  The click on Mean, Input: c7, OK.

e.       Report your estimated probability.  Compare your result to parts 1 and 2.