Statistics 1000 Elements of Probability and Statistics


  1. Measure your pulse rate 25 times over the next few days, but don't take more than one measurement in any 10-minute period. Record any unusual events related to the measurements, such as if one was taken during exercise or one was taken immediately upon awakening. Create a stemplot, calculate the mean, the standard deviation, the five-number summary of your measurements, and draw a boxplot. Give a written assessment of your pulse rate based on the data.
  2. Flip a coin 100 times. Stop after each time you have accumulated 10 more flips (i.e. after 10 flips, 20 flips, 30 flips, etc.) and compute the proportion of heads using all of the flips up to that point. Plot that proportion versus the number of flips. Comment on how the plot relates to the relative-frequency interpretation of probability.