October 7, 2019

Tidy Data

Today we are starting the Section II Wrangle.

This section introduces different ways to access data and discusses the idea of Tidy Data.

  • tibbles - a better data.frame, in the tidyverse, data_frame
  • importing data - a better read.csv, in the tidyverse, read_csv
  • tidy data - variables down columns, observations accross rows
  • relational data - merging and joining different data_frames
  • strings and factors
  • dates and times

tibbles or tribles

  • The tibble package is part of the tidyverse.
  • The tibble() function allows you to create a data_frame in R, listing data in vectors and it puts them in columns.
  • The tribble() functions allows you to create a data_frame in R, listing data in columns directly.


Comma separated value files are very common.

The read_csv() function can be used much like the tribble() function. Read data from a .csv file directly into a tibble.

Parsing a vector of …

  • numbers
  • strings, characters
  • factors
  • dates, times

Reading and writing files to your harddrive

  • read_csv()
  • write_csv()

  • read_rds()
  • write_rds()