If you have not already done so read over Chapter 1 in the book r4ds.
Test out the options for reading.
Try the search. Search for rectangular.
August 21, 2019
If you have not already done so read over Chapter 1 in the book r4ds.
Test out the options for reading.
Try the search. Search for rectangular.
The authors comment that the book is about working with rectangular data.
"This book focuses exclusively on rectangular data: collections of values that are each associated with a variable and an observation."
"But rectangular data frames are extremely common in science and industry, and we believe that they are a great place to start your data science journey."
The book start with some fun topics that show what R is very useful for, Transforming and Visualizaing data.
Data Science
We will learn some basic ideas of ggplot2
library(tidyverse) select(mpg, hwy, displ)
## # A tibble: 234 x 2 ## hwy displ ## <int> <dbl> ## 1 29 1.8 ## 2 29 1.8 ## 3 31 2 ## 4 30 2 ## 5 26 2.8 ## 6 26 2.8 ## 7 27 3.1 ## 8 26 1.8 ## 9 25 1.8 ## 10 28 2 ## # ... with 224 more rows